Website Plug-in Instructions
Activate your iframe plugin with the simple steps below.
Service Form iFrame Instructions
Get your iFrame URL from your TireTutor rep or [email protected]
Send your iFrame to your web developer
Implement the iFrame with a "Schedule Service" button on the homepage
Estimated implementation time = 30-60 min
See here for examples of how the Schedule Service iframe should look after the integration:

'Get a Tire Quote' Form iFrame Instructions
Get your iFrame URL from your TireTutor rep or [email protected]
Send your iFrame to your web developer
Have your web developer place the integration script tag at the bottom of the body tag of your html file.
Place a div tag <div id="tiretutorGetAQuote"></div> wherever you want the get a quote form component to appear on the page.
It’s recommended that the get a quote component takes up the entire width of the screen
Implement the plugin with a "Get a Tire Quote" button on the homepage
Estimated implementation time = 30-60 min
If you don’t have an optimized landing page for your Get a Tire Quote page, you can use this provided PNG file as a basis for a building a stylized landing page on your website.
See here for examples of how the Schedule Service iframe should look after the integration:

Tire Catalog and eCommerce iFrame Instructions
Get your iFrame URL from your TireTutor rep or [email protected]
Send your iFrame to your web developer
Create a blank Search Results Page ex:
Insert script tag in the bottom body of your HTML file on the blank page
Insert <div id="tiretutorSearchResults"></div> on the blank search results page
Insert script tag in the bottom body of your HTML file on the home page
Insert <div id="tiretutorSearch" data-result-page-url=" "></div> on the home page but replace with the blank search page url with the url you created in the script.
Implement the plugin with a "Shop for Tires" button on the homepage
Estimated implementation time = 30-60 min
If you don’t have an optimized landing page for your Get a Tire Quote page, you can use this provided PNG file as a basis for a building a stylized landing page on your website.
See here for examples of how the Schedule Service iframe should look after the integration:

Do you have a wordpress website?
Please remove any Wordpress plugins or Cloudflare settings that increase the speed of the page that the Iframe integration sits on. This includes both the search and search results page. If not removed it will effect how the iframe loads on the page.
Are you a dealership?
Initiate setting up the integration with DDC using their third-party support request form Send the following information through the online form (DDC account number can be ignored):
TireTutor iframe Dealer ID
TireTutor iframe Store IDs